xenforo 2

  1. LPH

    How to Grab Session Activity

    Grabbing the session activity to use in your add on focuses on the SessionActivity from the repository. /** @var SessionActivity $activityRepo */ $activityRepo = XF::app()->repository( 'XF:SessionActivity' ); $activityRepo->updateSessionActivity(...
  2. LPH

    XenLate 1.0.0 Released

    XenLate is a simple widget showing the latest WordPress blog posts on a XenForo 2 installation. This is my first add-on for XenForo 2 and plan to write out a tutorial on how the add-on is built. The work took approximately 14 hours from start to finish. Most of the time was spent reading the...
  3. LPH

    How to Render a Widget Externally

    Displaying a widget included with XenForo 2 is one line using templater() and renderWidget. echo \XF::app()->templater()->renderWidget('forum_overview_members_online'); The identifier is the Widget key found in the admin panel -> Appearances -> Widget. The 'forum_verview_members_online' is the...
  4. LPH

    How to Bridge PHP and XenForo 2

    In XF2, three lines are required. Create a file named connectXenForo2.php and add the following contents. <?php /** @var $fileDir */ $fileDir = '/Absolute/Path/To/xf2'; require( $fileDir . '/src/XF.php' ); \XF::start($fileDir); $app = \XF::setupApp('XF\Pub\App'); $app->start(); Now create...
  5. LPH

    XenForo 2 Board Installed

    A basic installation of XenForo 2 is available in the development/ directory. This is for discussing the development of XenForo 2 addons.